Monday, Monday!!!

Well, it has been a little bit since my last post- my laptop was down, but thanks to EBAY I have a new to me laptop. So this week was an awesome coupon week at Shaw's - they are having a General Mills sale which in my opinion are the best ones! Check out Maven of Savin for a great list of matchups! You can also check out Deals by Darlene - she has put together some awesome shopping trip scenarios for you! For this particular sale you save $5 instantly when you purchase 10 participating items - and yes you can mix and match. Some good deals to be had.  I must be running, I hope you are enjoying your monday and don't forget to check out to the sale this week!

Many Blessings


I do not have anything real interesting to write about today - maybe I haven't had enough coffee, or maybe it is because it is raining and dreary, never the less. I've got nothing. BUT I do have some pretty cool links for you to check out - full of information to help reduce your grocery bills, and tons of recipes. Budget101 is an awesome link! I have made the copycat Arizona Green Tea and its perfect! Along with the almost Hershey's chocolate syrup and the Almost A & W Rootbeer - my suggestion if you make the rootbeer - store your rootbeer syrup and your seltzer water in the fridge separately, unless you plan to drink it immediately otherwise your rootbeer will lose its fizz, I use 1 1/2 ounces of syrup to 6 1/2 ounces of seltzer and make them per individual serving. Another great site is GroceryBudget101 there are again a ton of recipes on this site, as well as ideas as to how to keep your grocery budget super low. Keep in mind that where you live is a big factor when it comes to food prices, also if you are resourceful and have a garden, chickens, go fishing etc. have a big part to play as well. This family uses alot of local resources to help keep their grocery budget at a minimum. Well that is all I got for this Friday's frugal moment. Take some time, check out those sites - you will be happy you did!

Many Blessings

Is it already Wednesday???

Ok so have you all gotten in on the "pinterest" craze?? We love it right?? Well here is the thing for me - I am hopelessly addicted because, well as most people who know me know I am a google addict - constantly searching for an answer for this, or remedy for that, or inspiration for decorating, and pinterest has been great because it cuts down my search time considerably - or does it? Yes it does in a sense because I can log on and chances are someone has pinned something that I just needed to know, but then there are the pins that I just needed to know but didnt know I needed to know and before you know it I have spent HOURS looking at pins!...OY! There is a part of me that HATES pinterest, because it has taken away my credit for being creative, or at least sometimes that is how I see it. Now do not get me wrong there are ALOT of pinterest inspired creations floating around my house, BUT before pinterest, there were still alot of neat things floating around my house, but now when people come over instead of saying - oh wow that is so neat, they say, did you see that on pinterest? But even though part of me HATES pinterest, it is not enough to keep me away!

Ok so there is my Wednesday rant - now time for frugality. I have a confession to make, I caved, I am weak, I gave in. After over a year without my "molecular structure changer" A.K.A microwave, I caved and practically begged for a new one! Though we managed just fine without it, there are just some things that the molecular structure changer comes in really handy. For instance, that awesome corn bag that we heat up for aches and pains, ever try to heat one up in an oven? Then there are the convenient foods that are quick and easy for the kids to snack on - I do try to keep processed foods to a minimum, but I do make some "copycat" recipes, and sometimes these snacks just do not reheat well in an oven or toaster oven. And popcorn, well I have to be honest I do NOT like stove popped popcorn - I find the oil makes the corn chewy, and I do not have an air popper (that would be awesome), and I do not really care for the processed microwave popcorn HOWEVER I did come across a recipe on pinterest...hehe.... for microwave popcorn. 1/4 cup popcorn in a brown paper bag - you know the little brown lunch bags that we used to have when we were kids, put the popcorn in the bag, fold the top of the bag over a few times to close it -you can put a small piece of tape I suppose if you would like- I just fold mine and pop like you would a commercially prepared bag of microwave popcorn, add the butter and seasonings that you desire after it is done popping and it is perfect!
So needless to say I caved, and begged for a new molecular structure changer, and took alot of grief from my husband and the kiddos when I did! In my defense, I do not use it as a major appliance, and resort mostly to my oven and toaster oven.

I have been trying to cut back on our electricity useage - sometimes I feel as though we are getting raked over the coals. I know alot of our culprits are: electric hot water tank, dishwasher and dryer. Also more recently air conditioners, and a pool pump have been to blame as well. I do not have a clothes line outside (yet) once the hubby gets some of his "honey do list" taken care of hopefully he will put out a line for me. Until then I have been trying to conserve my dryer time, a tip I found on pinterest..(wouldn't  you know)...was to dry the load for 10 minutes, it helps to soften fabric, as well as taking out some wrinkles, you see normally it would be the air circulation outside that does this, but seeing as I cannot hang it out side YET, this will do, I do not suppose it is saving me a whole lot in the electricity department, but I am sure it is cutting down some. Going from a rent where utilities were included to a rent where they are not, well lets just say it has been a shock to our system! But I am always up for a challenge - and my long term goal is to get that bill down by at least $50 per month!

I will try to get some links up soon of some really cool sites that I have found for recipes, and budgeting, but as for the rest of today I am off to get some housework done and hang with my kids - might even go have a picnic with my youngest daughter!

Many Blessings!

Long time no see

Well, after a long hiatus, I am sure most of you have stopped following or thought I disappeared. No worries I am still here! I am going to attempt to blog more faithfully, and bring to you the best info I can on living frugally. So what have I been doing in my almost a year since my last post? Well we have moved, which had pretty much consumed most of my time and energy, and I am still trying to settle in - it seems to be taking forever for me to find just the right "touches" for everything, but progress is being made and it is all good! I am in the process of deciding exactly what direction I am going in for the blog - coupons, allbeit a great help, have not always been something that we can count on. The sales and match-ups seems to have declined tremendously in the past year, so my grocery stock ups in that area are very few and far between. I think we will be venturing back towards the pantry stock. One thing I will add before my next post is if you live in New England and are an avid local honey supporter - get it now while the getting is good. I received some information the other day that our local honey suppliers have been having to feed their bees sugar water due to a premature warm up in the spring causing flowers to bloom, but when our temps went back to normal the flowers were killed by the frost. I assume this may also affect our apple season. Another thing to consider - with the drought we have had in most of our corn growing states, corn prices will be on the rise, but keep into consideration corn is not where this inflation will stop, any food source that relies on this corn will rise as well, including beef, poultry and pork. If you see a decent sale on meats - now is the time to stock up and freeze. I have not been to our local meat farm in a few months, so I am not sure how much of an increase they are foreseeing, I do know that the last time I was there they had increased the price of their ground beef by close to $1 per pound. Well I should carry on with my day - lots of housework to do and we are having a big supper and game night to follow.

Many Blessings!