Long time no see

Well, after a long hiatus, I am sure most of you have stopped following or thought I disappeared. No worries I am still here! I am going to attempt to blog more faithfully, and bring to you the best info I can on living frugally. So what have I been doing in my almost a year since my last post? Well we have moved, which had pretty much consumed most of my time and energy, and I am still trying to settle in - it seems to be taking forever for me to find just the right "touches" for everything, but progress is being made and it is all good! I am in the process of deciding exactly what direction I am going in for the blog - coupons, allbeit a great help, have not always been something that we can count on. The sales and match-ups seems to have declined tremendously in the past year, so my grocery stock ups in that area are very few and far between. I think we will be venturing back towards the pantry stock. One thing I will add before my next post is if you live in New England and are an avid local honey supporter - get it now while the getting is good. I received some information the other day that our local honey suppliers have been having to feed their bees sugar water due to a premature warm up in the spring causing flowers to bloom, but when our temps went back to normal the flowers were killed by the frost. I assume this may also affect our apple season. Another thing to consider - with the drought we have had in most of our corn growing states, corn prices will be on the rise, but keep into consideration corn is not where this inflation will stop, any food source that relies on this corn will rise as well, including beef, poultry and pork. If you see a decent sale on meats - now is the time to stock up and freeze. I have not been to our local meat farm in a few months, so I am not sure how much of an increase they are foreseeing, I do know that the last time I was there they had increased the price of their ground beef by close to $1 per pound. Well I should carry on with my day - lots of housework to do and we are having a big supper and game night to follow.

Many Blessings!
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